

Let 'er Rip

Posted by Timo |

I ripped my pants AGAIN! that makes 7 times. My pockets catch on the arms of my chair at work and rip. Thrown away 4 pairs of perfectly good work pants.

I want to go home. I'm tired and cranky. it's 3:50 - I'm leaving at 5. There's a stupid mariners game so traffic will be Hell.

complain complain complain!



Anonymous said...

so take the arms off your chair

Timo said...

FYI - They aren't removable. You don't think I tried that the 1st time?

Anonymous said...

Same thing...

I'm a jeweler and use scads of trays for sorting beads and findings. During the summer I wear these shorts with big pockets that catch the armrests of my chair and jerk it to the side spilling thousands of neatly compartmentalized stash to the floor. Now that puts a kink in your weenie!

Anonymous said...

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