


Posted by Timo |

I had Molcajete for dinner at Azteca with hariette tonight. It's this sort of spicy broth soup with steak and veggies in it. out waiter was lame and failed to bring enough water to counteract the spice.

It's been a busy week and now our receptionist is on vacation and we were not allowed to get a temp so now we are all covering the front desk. I hate playing receptionist.
seriously. we all do, though.

last week i got my annual bonus so I did a little shopping.
a new digital camera, actually 2 as the first one sucked.
some dvd's and a few cds. Used, hello?
a really nice white dress shirt with faggy french cuffs.
a couple new south park figures for my display at work.
some work clothes, including a gorgeous silver tie that I failed to notice was by donald trump. SHAME ON ME! I cut the tags off as soon as i realized my error.
also some cats toys and a new brush for said cat.

I hardly spent any of it though. Tax return on the way, too. Having money stresses me out. seriously.

I still need to buy one of those airated water things for TB. maybe then she won't drink out of the toilet. probably not, though.

can someone tell me why she continues to sharpen her claws on my leather chairs even though she has not had claws in over 9 years? she has "phantom claws". maybe.

now she is attacking a box of sominex on the floor. she must be tired, too.


Unknown said...

Money is stress, uggh!
