

More Cat Bad News

Posted by Timo |

My friend Andre's Cat Died on friday. Ozzy "Principal" Blackman was only 6 when he died of an allergic reaction to an antibiotic used for killing off kitty stomach infections.

Imagine my horor when my own kitty spent most of the night barfing her guts out. I found her this morning lying in her own puke, looking completely dead. she got up and yelled at me and then went and hid. Shortly she became more animated and normal acting, but we went to the vet when they decided it was most likely some sort of food posioning. they took blood and samples and will call me tomorrow.
when we got home she was running around like the insano she always is and purring purring purring. I hope she'll be fine.

Rest in peace, Ozzy. I'm really sorry, Andre.


Unknown said...

my heart bleeds for your loss. my mind reals in understanding. and my lungs fill with the breathe that should not be taken fore granted.

Unknown said...

I hope tanq wilk be ok.
