

Something Isn't Always Better Than Nothing

Posted by Timo |

it's BEAR!

There was a song lyric stuck in my head all weekend. of course, now I can't remember it.

My friend Mike had to go into a court ordered De-tox ( Long story and hardly Scandalous ) so we had him and his BF and our friend Matt over for Beers on Friday night. Also Steve came over. the Lesbies from upstairs came down. It was nice and low key.

I can't remember the Fucking Lyric to save my life. Whatever it was - I applied my own life to it - as you can do with all well written songs - and it was upsetting.

it will come to me at a random point and I'll post it here.

I was in a bad mood all weekend. A little black cloud following me around.

BEAR ran away briefly on saturday and it really iriitated me. Cats should just stay the fuck in the house forever. whenever TanQ tries to get out or jumps out the door i scream at her to get the fuck back in the house. she always does. Of course, if she gets out while I'm not home, which isn't often not that Fucking JOYCE is long gone - I had to be all nice when i find her "Oh, I'm so glad to see you" She's not dumb.

to finalize. Cats = In House=FOREVER.

that is all.

