

Darcelle's Birthday

Posted by Timo |

Darcy's birthday was June 1st and It was madness. let's just say it involved a lot of surprises, a party bus, karaoke, roller skating and bowling. and a great deal of booze.

Well, because Internet explorer 8 SUCKS THE ASS OF THE UNIVERSE I can't even label these pics. half of them don't even show up and some are in different posts so I will try to label them at work tomorrow...

01 the birthday girl
02 with Jeffie on the party bus
03 Darcy in the box
04 Jeff in the box
05 the ride home ( see open bottle of Jameson! barf )
06 14 drunk people
07 yes, the hat is a little small
08 my version of "in the box"
09 nice faces - aubs, jeff, me & jeffie
10 ashley & aubrey & shots
11 Jeff, katie, lenny, Darcelle & tracie on the bus


Black Nyx said...

Um, who the hell is Jeffie and why isn't he inside me right now!!??
