


Posted by Timo |

Friday night saw Eartha Kitt with Kymono and then went on down to manray where we met Bree and her posse, including the ever lovely Michelle, who was having a birthday. Someone got a little belligerantly wasted and could no longer speak and decided it would be a great idea to hit me. there are is no need to name HER.

Saturday Malled. it was crazy busy because they are having a sale and going out of biz. Then cabbed up to queen anne to meet Kymono and headed down to viceroy for Muhrs birthday party. Viceroy is a strange place. or actually, it was the people there that were strange. VERY Bellevue. Back to the hill. Met gene & Tracy at Pony, then up to bus stop and of course, manray.

Sunday cleaned my apt and went to UM's for some sunshine and red wine. Sunday eve included a mad rush to find an open KFC because Bree and I were cravin' it.


Unknown said...

i still contend that it was an open handed (love)smack. like retards do because they can't form coherent sentences. :) if you would just get ahead and read my mind we wouldn't have these foibles!

Michelle Auer said...

Woohoo! My bday got a blog mention! :-) I'm so glad Bree brought me to Manray and I really can't wait to go back! I had such a great birthday! (Almost as great as your eyebrows) ;-)
