


Posted by Timo |

how freaked out was I over the mpls bridge collapse? It took 'til the next day for me to get in touch will my friends and family there. Crazy. I drive over that bridge every time I'm in Mpls and lived a block from it when I first moved there.

and yeah, everyone has a connection to some horrible event.


Christo said...

Wow, that hits close to home, I can understand your shock and hope all your peeps are OK.

Now allow me to be a brutal, insensitive but objective biyatch for a moment...

The first thought that crossed my mind when I originally heard that "only" four people were killed was, "God, in Iraq they would probably be really happy to only have four people killed on a single day."

It's sort of sad that we as a human race regard something in our own backyard as a tragedy when we contine to allow something 1000 times worse go on indefinitely because it's too far away for our feeble minds to grasp or relate to.

My heart and prayers go out to my former neighbors in Minnesooootah, but on the global disaster richter scale, this doesn't even register as a minor tremor.

Perspective, people.
