


Posted by Timo |

I used to actually write posts. lengthy posts. about what not.

It's not that I don't have anything to say it's just I am blog-lazy.

the kid that just walked in the store had a big head and ridiculously hairy legs.

sometimes I catch myself being overly aggressive and almost cranky to customers.

do you really need to come in here and look at garlic presses for an hour? really?

This sounds paranoid, I realize. People stare at me. random people on the street. in the elevator. people I work with. people in the mall. in traffic.
I told you it sounds paranoid. then I start to worry...is there a booger hanging out of my nose? ketchup on my chin? did I spill grape juice on my shirt? did I Pee my pants?

my friend julie once told me I look like a cartoon and people think I look funny and just have to stare.

when i mention this to other people they laugh and say "NO..you don't look like a cartoon". still. I wonder....

Do you think i don't really listen?

a few weeks ago I gave a good friend some serious advice and she agreed with me and then she went and did EXACTLY what I told her not to do...the very same day!

my friend Bree moved into my building. she's super fun and we bond over rare Madonna tidbits. TanQ likes to visit her apartment.

at three o'clock every day we have "tea time". except I don't drink tea.
I should and I don't NOT like tea but I'm generally never chomping at the bit for a sip of tea. but, there's usually cookies or something like that. oatmeal and white fudge and cranberries.

so much for a real post.


Christo said...

You're just more fabulous than mere mortals can handle, darling. They are stunned by your beauty and can't help but staring! Poor bastards don't know what to do in the presence of such diva-ness.
