

Elvira Time Again

Posted by Timo |

I would think that anyone that knows me knows that I love Elvira, Mistress of The Dark. I never got to see her tv show in the 80's although I have seen some movies she hosted that were released on video. Some people don't get it but I think she's hilarious. I swear, she may have inadvertantly helped me survive small town high school.

Anyway, she just released a batch of Bad horror films she hosted in the early 80's and I am loving loving loving the ones I bought this weekend - although, mostly just for Elvira's bits where she pops in at (what would be) commercial breaks as these movies are real stinkeroo's. but then, what would you expect from movies with titles like "Wearwolf of Washington", "The Doomsday Machine", "Count Dracula's Great Love" and that all time favorite "The Devil's Wedding Night"!

Oscar Winners, these Ain't.


Unknown said...

Love her!
