

More Emergency Room Drama !

Posted by Timo |

not as exciting as it sounds, actually.
went to the ER tuesday AM with a crazy speeding heartbeat. it went on for 4 hours.
a little bit scary. they hooked me up to a heart monitor and I got the lay there for a couple hours. It was crazy freezing cold in the ER, too. Then they brought in some drunk homeless guy that had been hit by a car. He was a little messed up but was so drunk he didn't notice.

he asked me "what are you in for?" like we were in jail and I said "heart problem" and he says "I got hit by a car, man!" - like it was an achievment.

the took blood and such and I'm sleeping with a heart monitor until tonight. which is a lot like sleeping with a brick attached to your chest. it's hard to sleep with and TanQ hates it because it has a slight HUM and a little red light. Somehow it records heart activity and of course it hasn't happened again. Could be atrial fibrulation or probably related to mr thyroid.

last nigth I went to target and bougth myself this tiny little semi-triangular chest of drawers for beside my bed - it's like 15 inches high tiny. it was on clearance - cheap. this concludes my "christmas presents for me" shopping.

that is all.


Unknown said...

Damn Tim, let me know what the docs say. Hopefully this wont happen to you again.
