

They Say

Posted by Timo |

It seems to me that as we grow older - our "comfort zones" Shrink around us.

In my old age I am nearly totally uncomfortable doing anything unusual or different. This has been bothering me the last few days.

( see what happens when i don't have a cellphone? My brain starts to function )

tonight I was sitting here feeling restless and quite bored out of my mind and decided to get up and go somewhere, so I walked my fat ass down to the water and looked at all the cool houses and sat for a bit with the same ducks we fed last sunday.

it was refreshingly chilly and there was a great dusk view of lake union and I could smell someone grilling steak on one of the houseboats.

it's funny how the little things like a beautiful view and a delicious smell will stick in your mind so briefly. Tomorrow I won't remember either of them.

I'm rambling.
I really don't have anything to say.


Unknown said...

Did somebody say steak?
