


Posted by Timo |

I just heard someone say "Isn't it funny how everything works itself out?"

and to that I say "Isn't it HYSTERICAL how everytime I see a light at the end of the tunnel - some huge hand comes down from the heavens and snuffs it out?"

I'm wondering what babies I murdered in a former life to be deserving such a bad hand.

The Gods, whomever they may be, must really have a beef with me.

Listen to me whine.

whine whine WHINE.

That.....is All.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it isn't about an external source dealing out the punishments, but more about the choices that we make in our lives and the consequences that come from those choices.

Timo said...

That is a valid way to look at it and obviously true, however - it's far too boring to think that way.

Unknown said...

Yes we all whine at times, life is about experiance...live it up and take the good with the bad, nobody said life was perfect.
