Someone certainly made my day today. This fucking Rad Elvira statue that I had whined about wanting way back in like September showed up randomly at my office today, addressed to me with a simple printed note with the word "enjoy" 100 times on it. it's funny because I had ordered a different and completely lame in comparison Elvira model that I'm gonna paint so When I opened the huge box and saw her name on it, I was like "ohhh.." but then I saw what it was and kinda shrieked "oh my gawd". Strangely, No one will admit to getting it and sending it over for me. I interrogated Jeff and Andre immediately. I think I know who it is, though. Someone wonderful and amazing and ridiculously generous...we will refer to her as "She who must not be named."
Thank you from the bottom of my black little heart.
Her rather heavy 19 inch ass fits perfectly on the bottom shelf of my new display case - Coincidence?
PS - that's a cute little bat she's holding, btw.
Easily my Fave Song so far this year.
I'm pretty pissy today. I don't know if it's anything specific...but probably.
I have a stalker of the Cyber kind. they post shitty comments on this blog ( which I delete at every turn ) and send me ridiculous emails daily to gmail, yahoo and work email accounts about stuff I would blog and twitter about. They also hacked my gmail and sent a boatload of emails to a certain Canadian friend of mine that pretty much blew their identity out of the water. I have done all that I can as far as reporting this stuff but it has been stressing me out this week especially. I had Consuelo dismantle my twitter ( because she is the Goddess of all technology [for example she built this marvelous blog] which I so appreciate ) and I'm thinking of privatizing this blog.
If it's the person I am thinking of he cannot enter the US, So that's great. He's apparently quite savvy with the Hacking. the Canadian has dealt with this on and off over the last few years - some of which was just annoying and some downright horrifying. I'm so getting my locks changed.
Awesome mini doco from Uk Tv :
Part One:
Part Two:
mark's birthday present this year was tickets to the killers. I was only familiar with their various singles ( which I enjoyed ) but, as you know, I think guitars are universally an overdone and therefore completely worthless instrument and so I never bothered with anything other than their remixes. But Jeff is and Darcy are big fans so I bucked up and bought all 4 of their albums and studied up. there were really good songs and then ok songs and a few clunkers. I enjoyed their most recent album the most ( produced by madonna's producer Stuart price, Surprise! ) and was excited to hear it played live.
it was a marvelous show. I think Brandon sounds better live than on their albums ( he does some warbling - think Christina aguilera meets Elvis ) and that is rather impressive. they played all their hits and mostly upbeat tracks. they played everything I wanted them too, really. I was really impressed.
Absolutely NOT impressed with WAMU theater, however. first off, it's basically an airplane hanger. the sound was marginal. drinks were 9 bucks and up. they stopped serving midway through the show and then refused to let anyone that left the beer garden back in. Oh, and then closed all but one set of bathrooms after the show, so 10 thousand people could get in line for an hour. I heard one idiot security guard say the other bathrooms had already been cleaned because their employees had families to get home to. really? who gives a Fuck? all those people paid a minimum of 50 bucks per ticket to deal with this shit? the same thing happened when I saw Daft Punk there - but I assumed it was just an off evening. Nope - apparently that's how they run their business.
Hopefully, I hope I will never have to see a show at that venue again. Key arena, although the sound can be patchy, is a much better place to see concerts. with the Showbox at the market being the best venue I have ever been in.
2 of my favorite bands released new albums this week, Pet Shop Boys ( Yes ) and Depeche Mode ( Songs of the Universe )- I will admit they are both Growers with Hideous lead singles, But I think the similarities between their covers and respective deluxe editions are kinda funny. I'm seeing depeche mode in August - I assume it will have grown on me by then.
I'm sick. I have an evil cold.
I think most of the people in my life are fucking crazy, although it may just be the people I see and/or talk to on a daily basis that are the crazy ones.
My boyfriend is awesome. How did I end up with such a nice guy...that actually lives in seattle ( and not fucking Canada, thank you! No offense, Dre~ )
ummm...people that try to guilt me into things are dead to me. you may not be dead, but you're dead to me. how are you texting me from beyond the grave?
... that is all.
- Timo
- Seattle, Wa
- "I'm a Saint. Mother Theresa's got Nothing on me. I rescue kittens out of trees and help Seniors cross the street...other than that I'm fairly Vain, Empty and kinda Slutty."
- Go Ahead - Make My Day!
- Röyksopp & Robyn live at Senkveld
- Pissed as a Lou
- Queens Of British Pop : SIOUXSIE
- take me to the place where the white boys dance
- this as well as that
- what could be finer?
- blearg
- Dirty Robot Sex
- Happy? Drunk? Irritated ? You Decide !
- where the wild things are
- Octo Mom
Don't Steal My Stuff

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