pet shop boys - yes
depeche mode - sounds of the universe
la roux ( self titled )
imogen heap - Ellipse
royksopp - junior
"yes" has several career best psb tracks, "sounds" took me a long time to get into but songs like "perfect" and "corrupt" eventually won me over. la roux's debut is excellent retro 80's electro disco, imogen heap is just plain amazing as always and royksopp's danciest offering to date has killer collaborations with Robyn and Karin from the Knife.
In No particular order :
strangelove [ bomb the bases hijack mix ] depeche mode
white flag [ scumfrog mix ] dido
Miracles { eric prydz Remix ] pet shop boys
in my arms [ bimbo jones mix ]Plumb
breath of life [ divine inspiration mix ] erasure
impressive instant [ peter rauhofer universal club mix ] madonna
israelism [ kibbutznikblitzkrieg mix ] army of lovers
let me think about it [ fedde le grand mix ] ida corr
look at me [ sharp boys vocal mix ] geri halliwell
world [ the perfecto mix ] new order
George Michael "December Song (I Dreamed of Christmas)": Like the song, Love the video.
Aqua : "Spin Me A Christmas". not sure why we need a new aqua christmas song but it's fun so here it is. lene looks hot with her 80's hair to boot.
not a great deal to say lately.
not all that excited about the holidays this year but excited to get the fuck out of dodge for a week ( leave for mpls on the 17th back the 26th ). have not spent much more than 3 whole days away from work all year. pretty much ready to scream and/or stab someone in the eye.
otherwise, things are freakin' peachy.
Other than her club mixes, I was on the fence about mizz gaga, but This bitch's last couple of videos ( not to mention that fucked up VMA's performance ) are crazy and hilarious and excellent. It's like a shitstorm of art damaged high fashion crossed with a fellini film set in an alien inspired bathhouse. She makes the videos drag queens would make if they had that kind of money. plus, she does her own crazy little burning bed tribute at the end and there's a fucking hairless cat in the video. and you know how I love those hairless pussy.
I'm still more into her thump thump mixes but I actually like this song.
the fact that she does this stuff and it gets played along side the shit in the top 40 is mind blowing. even the former hater Dre has come around.....
how strange. a horror film that pretty much lives up to the hype. Scared the shit out of me. repeatedly. I must add that the main characters are not very likeable and I spent most of the movie waiting for the stupid bitch girlfriend to die but that did not detract from being scared in the least. Scary. Very well done.
I have been having a ridiculous amount of computer problems. I have killed a keyboard and 2 wireless mice in the last few weeks.
in other news... last week marked 11 years since I moved to Seattle and 3 months since ....well, I guess that was a little harsh.
Funny the shit life throws at you, isn't it?
of course the Kylie show was amazing. so much better than I expected. Jeni & I got upgraded to the awesome seats in the first row of the balcony. even the songs I'm not in love with kicked my ass. Yes, This is how you put on a show and this is the easily best show I have ever seen.
"boombox/can't get you out of my head" nice quality from our show.
...and put this song on it. never heard of this guy but It's a great song.
and kinda wreaked me.
Come on, come on
You have got to move on
This is not the you I know
This isn't real
It's just all you can feel
And that's the way that feelings go
And whether or not it's right or wrong you'll do what you will do
When the cloud in the sky starts to pour
And your life is just a storm you're braving
Don't tell yourself you can't lean on someone else
Cause we all need saving sometimes
Say what you will but the time that we fill
While we're on the earth
Should not be alone
We were meant to be known
You make me what i'm worth
But I can't keep you from yourself you'll do what you will do
I don't know why it has to be this way and
I don't know the cure
But please believe someone has felt this before
1 who wouldn't want this awesome sean connery painting?
2 as close as we got to being tourists
3 its a pirate ship or some nonsense
4 as close as we got to the bridge
5 me and heidi in the backseat. as usual
6 we had a blast in the castro. Loved it.
7 painting inside Harvey Milk's old shop
8 escape from new york pizza! does Snake Pliskin work there?
10 Jeni & Heidi waiting for the car. Our Hotel was awesome.
I'm off to San Fran on tuesday with Jeni, Michael and Heidi for a micro vacation built around the Opening show of Kylie's first US Tour. I can't even wait - just to get on a plane and get the fuck away from here - it's been far too long.
I'm sure there will be pictures and maybe some of Jeni's awkward flip videos.
Enjoy your week.
Friday : ummmm....dug up stuff for rummage sale - took to UM's house. Prepped for Rummage sale.
Saturday : Rummage sale 9-2. Made more money than i expected, so that was nice. Took Ollie to GIJoe then sat at tabel 219 with Bree and Ollie and Tommy and watched some interesting meltdowns. home and in bed by 11 pm.
Sunday : Laundry and Lunch with Steve at Torrero's. Target, Petco ( so heartbreaking! I want to adopt every kitty there. ) and then more fried goodness and beer at a place called "the dog & pony show". Now cleaning my apartment so my cat sitter won't judge me too harshly this week when i am in San Fran.
an Itunes only bonus track to her new greatest hits - I think this one is way better than the 2 new tracks that made the album. Sure, the lyrics are a little trite but the music is bumpin'! we listened to this on my friend's crazy stereo in his Porsche the other night. wow - it made me hate my car stereo.
I played this song to death around the time I met Jeff and have been listening to it a lot lately. It's one of Abba' most underrated songs and probably my 2nd favorite.
You looked so unhappy last night
I vaguely know what's going on
and I hate that you have to deal with this stuff
because I do care and I worry
but our walls have gone up
and we are seeing each other from a distance
and I kind of feel like a stranger to you now
3 months ago I intended to spend the rest of my life with you
a sad and strange turn of events
but something that happens every day around the world
I do hope that someday
you will let me back in
to your world
martini's at tini bigs
the canlis disaster
one of the best conversations I can remember
we talked about right said fred and shakespear's sister
and disagreed on the spelling
best new order song and morrissey
Siouxsie vs robert smith
andy bell and neil tennant
funny that you didn't want to drive
but in a desperate effort to save the evening
you drove to get peach sangria ingrediants
hilarious to be on the phone and see your giant bags of stuff
emerge from your giant cheap car. Lair
I can't thank you for the peach sangria hangover
but I hated seeing you leave
"all I am is a diversion and expect nothing less"
you know everything and vice versa
but at least my Ex didn't call you a "meat curtain"
I use that term a lot, sadly
your dog loves me
and TanQ loves you
our timing sucks and we both know that
our luggage doesn't even match
but I'm happy for what you are calling a "diversion"
because i think i have laughed more in the last 3 days than i have
in the last 2 months
and for that I want to thank you
and Not in a Dido way
and I don't want to disregard anything that has happened before
for either of us
because it is still staggeringly important
I think we were both in the right place
at the right time
and within 30 seconds you referenced Portishead
which garnished my absolute attention
like you can't even believe
so lets kill off any expectations
which is so hard for me, I must say
and for once
see what happens
and not loose sleep over anything
because that's what I do
cheers, mate
The Sundays "Wild Horses"
Mazzy Star "Fade Into You"
Pink "I Don't Believe You"
we saw Pink the other night at Key Arena. Wow. a big awesome spectacle. easily one of the best shows I have ever seen. So she starts the song above and of course I'm sitting next to Jeff...and totally wreaked me. I had to listen from the hallway with people wondering what my problem was. it's a beautiful song. give it a listen.
- Timo
- Seattle, Wa
- "I'm a Saint. Mother Theresa's got Nothing on me. I rescue kittens out of trees and help Seniors cross the street...other than that I'm fairly Vain, Empty and kinda Slutty."
Don't Steal My Stuff

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