

Happy Birthday, Siouxsie Sioux

Posted by Timo |

Her royal Susan Banshee-ness turned 51 on Tuesday the 28th....Errr, I posted this on Tuesday the 28th, but her birthday was monday the 27th...and I did know that. so there.


more Gamping pics

Posted by Timo |

1. Ollie & Breeb
2. the redneck wig returns


GAMPing Season is Open. yes, with a "G"

Posted by Timo |

a quick trip over to Tinkham with Tommy, Bree, Rob & Oliver. Nice. I wish we would have stayed all weekend instead of just overnight, though.


I'M Hung Up

Posted by Timo |

...a lot of stuff going on. a lot of randomage to explain here, but it's a mess. it'll be much easier to explain after the fact, so...CHEERS! Enjoy your 3 day weekend.

also, TanQ is fine. 10 days of anti-biotics and she'll be peachy. and, she's a slut. our vet is a very handsome young gentleman and she didn't make a single noise as he manhandled her and then carted her off for shots. when he handed her to me she resisted, like she wanted to go home with him instead. I can't blame her: I did, too.



Posted by Timo |

This is Bogey. He is Mike & Kevin's new pug. They had a pug named Wilbur but he passed away last month. very sad. Bogey is tiny and cute. and he bites. a lot.


Happy Birthday, Grace Jones !

Posted by Timo |

the Amazing Grace Joens is 60 today. Hert new album, Corporate Canibal, is due out this August. but don't hold your breath: her last 2 albums have yet to be released.



Posted by Timo |

TanQ lost another fang this weekend, so she's down to one lower fang. it's freaking me out, though she doesn't seem to mind, nor has it effected her swine-like appetite. we must get to the vet although I'm terrifed of some awful prognosis. my vet mentioned cancer sometimes makes their teeth fall out. shit shit shit.

What? it''s not like I'm asking for much? that much? Curses!


A Sarcastic Brown Birthday

Posted by Timo |

1 sangster, me, ben
2 josh, sangster, me
3 me in green
4 me & breeb
5 Muhr & Sam

one of my favorite humans ( Marika or Muhr-eekaH ) had a birthday type party last week, so we trotted up to the Ravenna District (ha) and celebrated with a gaggle of good time drinking friends. it was a great time, even if phil collins ended up on the turn table.


and Me, Pre - 4 Day Hangover

Posted by Timo |


Nice Cock

Posted by Timo |


Supreme Beings Of Leisure "Mirror" Video

Posted by Timo |

1st single from my favorite album of 2008 (so far). I've waited like 6 years for this album and it's well worth the wait.


FINALLY ! Madge is Coming !

Posted by Timo |

Madge is finally coming to the Seattle area and by area I mean up north in canada, Vancouver. I have never seen her live and she hasn't been in Seattle since 1990. I hope we can get tickets.


Margaret Cho Tonight

Posted by Timo |

should be fab. this is the 5th or 6th time I'm seeing her. Thanks, Tommy!


for the breeb

Posted by Timo |


embarrassed at myself

Posted by Timo |

I was embarrassed for myself after reading that last post and am proud to reveal that I am now listening to another late-night standby - the Sundays "Blind".

I am so hip circa 1993.



Posted by Timo |

my computer was blessed with a rogue bogus anti-spyware program called awola a few days ago. It's a bitch and a half to get rid of. manual removal is suggested and so far it has eaten up about 9 hours of my life...and I still have it!

at the moment, I am moving 68 gigs of music files onto an external harddrive so the removal program doesn't take 4 hours to scan that music folder again. it's been moving for an hour and it says there's another 240 minutes to go, YAY.

sure, I'm typing this on the laptop Andre gave me but I hate laptops. I hate this little screen and the retarded little pad for a mouse. someday I'll grow up and just have a cute little laptop and everything on external drives and I won't have the computer and giant monitor and keyboard on my breakfast bar and I will sit and eat breakfast there instead.
but for now, I'll just bitch about awola and type on this little keyboard and listen to tanQ! squeek at me because she hates the [ artist deleted in shame ] cd that I have been playing late at night because I am secretly an old woman.

that is all.


Things I Did On My Non-Vacation

Posted by Timo |

1 - keyno
2 - Cheryl
3 - Jazz

day one:
- dropped tanq and my car off at steve's
- sat in the seatac airport for 5 hours, chatted with a hot Marine
- was squished in a window seat on the longest plane ever
- picked up by my sister at 6am
- slept on a couch for 8 hours straight
- drove down to Iowa. dinner with parents
- slept for 12 hours straight in my dungeon bedroom
day two
- Chinese buffet Lunch with Mark's mom
- used DVD shopping, comic shops, etc
- steak dinner with parents
- out with the mason city folk. very fun
- brother's family drove up from hampton
- drove back to mpls/st paul
- keyno wakes me up 7 times during the night
day 3
- CD shopped at cheapo and lunched with Karie at independent
- back to sister's house where karie did laundry
- we watched "hot fuzz". loved it!
- trip down stairs, hit head on wall. left dent on wall
day 4
- started watching battlestar galactica season 3
- bought "cloverfield" and watched extras
- watched original "Poseidon adventure"
- picked Luke up from school
- ate too much
day 5
- jazz the cat tries to attack a skunk. stinky
- watched more "battlestar" & "planet terror". Loved.
- talked to Andre on the phone for 4 hours
- made some sort of "pot lasagna". 'twas good.
- keyno again woke me up barking at the wind.
day 6
- stood up for lunch by olaf at Thai place. cute waiters
- more "battlestar" plus "star wars ep 2" & "nightmare before Christmas"
- went to bed at like 9 with keyno in my room and he never barked
day 7
- actual lunch with olaf at figlio's. w as nice to catch up
- watched "30 days of night"
- mason city gays were up and came over for cocktails. til 4 am
day 8
- parents drove up and we went to my niece's Jesus play
- more grilled steak for dinner
- out with my Minneapolis gays and karie.
- did not drink anything besides diet coke and water.
- hit jetset and the 90's for an old time drag show
- drove home sober at 3 am. a nice time, of course.
day 9
- parents drop me off at the airport at noon
- aisle seat, much better flight
- steve picks me up and TanQ is happy to see me
- the end



Posted by Timo |


new phone

Posted by Timo |

my old phone has this terrible buzzing noise so I finally got a new one. "Pearl" is taking a bit to get used to, especially the qwerty keyboard, but I mostly love it. and Hate it.


Obviously, I Need This..

Posted by Timo |

9 inches tall and a mere 125 bucks. A bargain!
