

500 Pine PARTY

Posted by Timo |

there was a party a couple of weeks ago where they recreated the all the bars from infamous 500 block of Pine : they actually got stuff that sued to be in the bars and set them all up in a parking lot. Of course, we just hung out at manray. It was pretty cool although it was kinda sponsored through Havanna which is a ridiculouly lame bar here. They played nothing but awful butt rock until midnight when someone most of told the idiot that none of that shit would have ever been played on that block of mostly gay bars. in the pics [ by Doug! } you will find Me, tommy, jeffie and Bree. it was a good time and really fun to revisit those places.

and yes, I do look skinny. I've lost 20 pounds since july 4th. thanks for noticing.


First and Foremost : G.I.Joe !

Posted by Timo |

you may be surprised but I absolutely fucking LOVED it! Sure, the story was pretty messed up but the effects and the action was a blast - and somehow, even though they screwed up the accent and the history, Sienna Miller was awesome as the Baroness and easily the best part of the movie. there were a lot of non-sensical liberties { ok, actually there were some GIGANTIC stretches of the imagination } and a lot of the huge stuff was saved for the last few minutes - Obviously there will be a sequel. of course, it got terrible reviews just like the new transformers movie. all it is is an action movie so what do people expect? "I'd like some cathartic revelations and some Carl Jung-ian exposition along with my action films." Ok, don't hold your breathe for that. I Loved it. like LOVED it. really.


you may have noticed

Posted by Timo |

a slew of posts coming and going over the last 6 weeks. I would randomly delete them as I was dealing with a great deal of anger and hurt. I will stop doing that now.

carry on.


why can't I be this guy?

Posted by Timo |


I don't understand

Posted by Timo |

Explain to me, Andre, how you can hate Lady GaGa yet love Britney Spears? isn't that a lot like getting an abortion and then still loving your dead fetus?

I say yes. except that your aborted fetus is vastly more talented than Britney Spears.
