
Seeing what is inhabiting the White House these days, It's hardly a holiday to me.

Friday was a very expensive car day. I don't want to talk about it, though. i might get a little choked up. Ok, I will say that it was less than $1000 to get it fixed - $1.23 less than $1000 to be exact. I had the money so it's not a huge deal but I can't help but think this only happened because the powers that be refuse to let me live a stressfree life and wouldn't want me to have any savings.

Friday night saw the Legendary Eartha Kitt at Jazz Alley. Fabulous.
Saturday worked at the mall and then hung out with Steve and then went out with Eddie & borther James. Was suppossed to meet UM but he was already a drunk mess and wandered home before I got out. Was out until 4am but luckily did NOT have any Joyce encounters.

Sunday had lunch with Steve & Erin and her offspring at pegasus in Alki. Gorgeous clear day but it was extremely cold. back to steve's for laundry, cd organizing and BEAR!
did some quick shopping and dinner at applebee's. Some lengthy conversations on the joys of being single ( or not ) and how luckily we are to have friends to see us through the rough spots.

that is all.

