

Religion Rant Addendum

Posted by Timo |

As a side note to my earlier rant about religion and politics:

I've always looked at religion and/or spirituality as personal, something best kept to yourself. I don't believe it has anything to do with a church or a priest or the people that go there, which is why I always hated church and catechism and was bored to tears by both.

If you have some sort of personal relationship with God, or a multi-armed elephant or a 6 armed indian dancer of the universe or even the Devil - I consider that YOUR business and I for the most part don't want to hear about it.

I have religious beliefs and I keep them to myself. I feel that isntilling some aspect of Religion in children is important - when their brains begin to process information on their own they can decide what to believe.

...and this is why I find mixing religion and politics so vastly offensive. Using legislation to push your beliefs on other people that don't share your way of thinking is WRONG. This forces opposition and villifies organized religion. Think of how furious The democratic party is with conservative bible votin' people right now.

...just like pushing your beliefs based on a Book ( written by Men and not GOD ) that so many in our society now feel free to pick and choose what rules and regulations they will follow from said Book is absolute Bullshit.

You can't pick and choose what fits your life. And then try to force that on others.

There are many excellent aspects of many religions. The desire to live in harmony, love and Peace is a wonderful goal.

Prosecuting those that disagree or fail to follow your guidelines is not a wonderful practice.
It's very unGodlike in my Humble, Yet Correct Opinion.


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