


Posted by Timo |

Mostly I'm wondering WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?

When I woke up this morning after almost zero sleep - I felt lost and confused. How the hell did this happen? What country did i live in? I thought America was the land of the free, not the land of the Sheep.

What happend to the millions of new, young registered Liberal voters? The Millions of Minority voters? The Angry Elderly pissed off about sky rocketting medication prices?

Did they all turn into "Security Moms" worrying about terrorist attacks in rural Kansas? ( Because Kansas has so much to worry about ).

for the most part, It really comes down to big city VS small communities. CA, NY, IL, PA - even WA ( Barely - we have a lot of small towns here ) bent to Kerry solely on the votes of the big cities. Although, Texas, Florida, Arizona have bigger cities they have the elderly excuse or, in the case of Texas, the pledge alliegence to the Shrub because he was spawned there.

...and let me touch on these smaller Americans Communities. SO many of them vote republican because that party is more "religious" or they vote on a single subject - abortion or gay rights - things that really don't even affect them. are they thinking of having an abortion? are they gay and want to get married? DOUBT IT.

they have APPARENTLY paid no attention for the last 4 years and vote on what their church tells them. Because "If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention!"
This is what you might call “religious manipulation"* - The Shrub won over the simple mostly Ignorant folks through FEAR and HATRED - cashing in on their basest fears - terrorism, abortion and those Damn Homosexuals!

all 11 states voted in favor of banning gay marriages - I would really like to know EXACTLY how many marriages in America have been threatened and/or weakened by the fact that those gays can get hitched up in Mass. Oh, NONE? Cute. Gald we banned it from happening elsewhere, then. WHEW ! I feel better about my Parent's marriage now.

This is not a generalization.Millions of these people voted this year.one exit poll in Ohio had over 90% of Bush voters saying they voted for him based on his religious beliefs alone. "How would Jesus Vote?" Jesus Can't vote, Moron. Fuck You and keep your keep religious beliefs to yourself!

the separation of church and state seems to be going out the door.

I fear for our supreme court. Shrub can now stack it with Idiots happy to play out his Wrong-wing Ultra-Conservative agenda. Goodbye abortion rights and goodbye any equal rights advances.

....besides the fact that our supreme court is about to be stacked with right wing nut jobs - If Hillary decides to run she is DOOMED. If all the young new voters failed to get Kerry into office how would we fair against a legion of Clinton Hating Bible Beaters?

I am Seriously Disgusted.

* this is a borrowed concept :P

