

How Soon We Forget The Little Things

Posted by Timo |

This weekend was lots of rushing around, hurry up and wait and drive all over hell and back. thee Wedding went pretty smoothly and it was very nice.

It's Tuesday and I'm in Iowa. Back to mpls and then back to SEA tomorrow afternoon. Have double and quadrupple checked my itinerary.

Had lunch with Paul downtown at Eddington's - was nice to catch up. We were walking back to the aefa building and the sky turned black and it was eerily quiet and creepy. Then the wind picked up and it started to pour. It was freaky. It looked like it was 9 at night at 1:45. See photo.

ran around with Mark! today and had some good americanized chinese buffet. "Hunan's" didn't even have chopsticks. it was good though.

spent some quailty time with the P's and my grandmother. Good home cookin' and northwestern steakhouse last night. I'm a total steak SNOB and that was some good shite!

tonight my niece Leah was here and we snuck out to my grandma's farm. it's extremely sad to go there because no one lives there anymore. my grandma had to be put into a home after my uncle committed suicide. he was taking care of her after she broke her hip.

anyway, gran ( eedie ) is much better off in the old folks home, it's in mason city and my mom spends hours with her almost everyday. she turns 99 in august and she's sharp as a needle. still, old people homes depress the fuck out of me and visiting her house with no one living there was very sad.
i found a few old treasures like "professor frog" and my mother urged me to take them home. SO I did. she needs to sew some eyes on professor frog, his are gone. I wanderered around the farm and chatted with the 7 wild cats (cuties!) and fended off swarms of mosquitoes. disgusting.

took lots of pictures.Was generally saddened by the whole scene. I guess you can never go back.

Going out for some cheap Iowa beer with Mark, Sean and the crazy beetch Brigeeete this evening. Very tired.

it was all important work, of course - but I am too old for this. I think this whole trip has made me feel old. Discussed "OLD" with Karie and jeremy and tony. Made mental notes about life and what needs to change, etc.

But I've been gone too much lately, want to get back to my life.

can't wait to see TanQbaby.

and THAT...is all.


Unknown said...

It was great seeing you Timo...sorry I left cousins early, Heather pissed me off and I was drunk, it was game over.
