

State of The Onion

Posted by Timo |

This is a "worry about political bullshit" week for me.

I was furious when I read about Microsoft caving to the Nutcase Redmond Preacher ( STORY )
I'm tired of hearing about this guy. As usual, It's the freaks that make the most noise that define a group of people.

I'm horrifed that the right wing control of the GOP has never been as plain as day and yet I'm hearing barely a complaint about it.

Separation of church and state....I fear it'll be gone soon. Why do I blame for the sad state of the Union?
Complacent Americans that are too fucking busy with their own neat little lives to pay attention, have an opinion and do their part to shape democracy ( Vote ).

I refuse to believe that over half of America is fine with the Right Wing doing their best to Take control of the country. It's funny. These people are nothing like what would be considered "christian" by any stretch of the imagination.

Jesus Christ was the Ultimate Liberal.

"The one book of the bible that says homosexuality is a sin also condemns eating pork and says it's quite ok to own slaves. Also, Divorce is extensively condemned.

I'm sick of the hypocrisy. You can't pick and choose what is an abomination.

The new pope contardicts himself all the time. He's got one foot in this century and the other in the 18th. Maybe he was picked because the voters could see that this is a time in flux : things could be very different ( pro or con ) within the next decade?

On the other hand : it's possible that the aforementioned complacent Amercians need a violent and unsettling wake up call.

I read an article about Ann Coulter ( who i despise ) and it was quite eye opening. I know view her as more of an entertainer as it's hard to piece together facts about her personal life with traits of her on screen, on air, in oprint persona. She has buitl a career on stirring shit to a group of people easily stirred. Why isn't there a liberal version of her?

Sorry for the jumbled rant.


Unknown said...

Burn the Bush!
