

I'm Not In The Mood For Barnacles

Posted by Timo |

Shock of all shocks, I was in and out of the dentist's office in a mere 15 minutes. No problems or issues.

Jeni calls from Rplace @7 and I go down to have a drink with her and her friends. Let me say that I HATE Rplace ( Theirplace ) as far as bars go. Rplace plays nothing but rap music and that is just WRONG. WRONG!

Anyway, home by 9:30 and have to keep it down because UM works at 5am on wednesdays, so I just go to bed. Wake up at 1:30 with a pounding headache, which keeps me up the rest of the night.

I'm thinking I must be a terrible person and whatever higher power out there has decided that I no longer deserve sleep. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping the headlines of Rplace out of the papers. . .if you know what I mean.

Thank you for the pizza!

