

Everyday is Like Sunday

Posted by Timo |

Sunday, SUPRISE, I got nary a wink of sleep but around 8 am finally passed out from exhastion.

Got out of bed and went over to steve's. I wanted to mess with his two laptops as they both have dvd burners on them. Alas, they were not as cooperative as I had hoped and my dream of SATCH as a DVD is tempoarily dashed!

we then got into a discussion about how hard it is to find someone. Almost everyone we know is single and the ones that aren't have the same old hokey advice - "you'll never find love when you are looking for it", "You'll never find love in a bar", Etc Etc Barf Barf.

There is so much attitude in this community. Ok, in any community these days. it's this generation. my friend Sara called it a "Crisis of our Generation" and i think it's true.

i don't know exactly what has altered people's thought process but the idea of a committed long term relationship is almost utterly taboo to so many young-ish people these days.
there are so many lonely people out there and it seems impossible for them to find each other.
And I'm not talking about the Trolls or Dregs of society here. It's all encompassing. I think we have built up such impossible and unrealistic standards that so many of us will NEVER settle for anything less.

Some people really have a hard time with this. It's a cripling and utterly paralyzing condition...a fear that one might be alone forever. I don't see it that way but understand how someone might. I can admit to being lonely and would like to have someone to share my life with and all those cozy things but I can't seeing myself wallowing in self pity ( any worse than I already do ). Sure, I'm jealous of some people who have found their soul mate or perfect partner or what-have-you but I can't believe for a second that having a partner is any sort of judgement of who I am. THAT would drive me insane and I would be speed dating like a Mad-woman.


anyway....THEN we went ot the University of MINNESOTA Alumni association annual picnic and sat around and ate and chatted with Alumni from Steve's College. Most of them, ok ALL of them, where much older and mostly pretty conservative, but Pat was there to help me enjoy it ( and make fun ) and the hostess ( and friend of Pat & Steve ) is a scream. As she got a little tipsy her patience wore a little thin and I think we escaped before she took her wrath out on anyone. But allow me to quote: "Can you believe those Fucking Bastards want Coffee?" Love that woman!

So, tipsy Steve and I went back and continued the previously mentioned conversation and how it effects day to day living and one's outlook on the future. A very dreary and depressing time.

Then we listened to some fun James Bond film music - Good Stuff. But who's idea was it to let A-Ha do a Bond theme?

I went home and couldn't sleep - my brain going in a million directions.

Oh, that And the fact that I was sleeping on concrete!

